Yoga column with Carrie Froggett: six benefits of yoga

Expert and instructor Carrie FroggettExpert and instructor Carrie Froggett
Expert and instructor Carrie Froggett
In today’s world we are binging on ‘wellness.’ We search how to be happy, how to be skinny, how to do yoga.

Does your computer hold the answers? Does endless social media scrolling tickle your fancy? If it doesn’t elate you or make you feel like a superhero, perhaps there’s another way.

As co-founder of the Frog Project, I offer you a nugget or two and suggests that yoga really does have the power to change your life.

What has yoga got to do with it?

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It counts as your 30-minute exercise a day and is good for the mind as well as the bodyIt counts as your 30-minute exercise a day and is good for the mind as well as the body
It counts as your 30-minute exercise a day and is good for the mind as well as the body

Yoga says you have to start with yourself. So do airlines, and more recently, supermarkets, post offices.

They have a point. Remember the last time you felt burnt out, stressed or angry. Where you well-slept, well-fed and had you been on a long walk in nature?

Keep your battery charged. You’ll be much more less stressed, more productive at work, and generally much happier and fun to be around!

The practice of yoga is the practice of connecting body to mind, and then riffing off all the incredible benefits that it brings.

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Log on to Carrie's website for detailsLog on to Carrie's website for details
Log on to Carrie's website for details

Top six benefits of yoga that will have you springing into spring ...

1 Yoga will help you to transform your body

Doing yoga postures probably won’t have you dripping in sweat or your heart rate through your ears like you’ve done a set of jumping jacks, but you are building strength from the inside out, burning calories and losing weight.

As your relationship with your body begins to change, you may suddenly notice you’ve willingly swapped your pack of ginger nuts for an apple.

2 Yoga counts as your 30 minutes of exercise

Yoga is a great way to bring movement into your day, which stimulates the happy hormones in the body.

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It helps you to connect with parts of the body that you may have forgotten about.

It also helps to iron out the kinks and creases in the back, neck and shoulders that build up throughout the day from sitting, standing and everything else we do.

3 Yoga reduces stress and anxiety

The deeper and slower you breathe, the more calm you bring to the nervous system. Learning to slow down the breath can help the body and mind to be more resilient and balance out stress, tension and anxiety.

There’s no coincidence that whales breathe once an hour and live 100 years while a mouse takes 200 breaths a minute and lives only a couple.

4 Yoga is a holiday for the mind

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